Man Killed in Florida Bicycle Accident

Many people ride bicycles for recreation. While bikes provide a good source of exercise, they can be unsafe, especially when ridden around larger vehicles. When bicycles collide with motor vehicles, the results can be catastrophic and even deadly.
Unfortunately, this was recently the case in Florida. A man was killed after he was hit by a garbage truck. The fatal accident occurred on the morning of May 5 in Davie.
An 83-year-old man was cycling on the Florida Turnpike, near Interstate 595. He was illegally in the southbound lanes when he was hit by a garbage truck. The man died at the accident scene.
The crash closed down multiple lanes of traffic. The crash is still under investigation, but the Florida Highway Patrol has determined that the bicyclist was in the lane illegally and had impeded the garbage truck’s path of travel.
Bicycle vs. Truck Accidents
When you think of an accident between a bicycle and a truck, you’ll likely imagine an unfair fight, to say the least. Pickup trucks, semi trucks, garbage trucks, and similar vehicles are much larger than bicycles. When they collide with bikes, the bicycle is likely to be totaled and the rider will likely suffer catastrophic injuries or even fatality.
With gas prices reaching new heights, more and more people are using their bicycles to exercise, get to work, and run errands. While many cities are doing their part to accommodate cyclists by paving separate bike lanes on the roads, the accident rates for bicycle riders is still very high. That’s because of road rage by motorists. Many do not like having bicycles on the road. Some are impatient and may not use bike lanes properly.
However, there are several main reasons why a truck would collide with a bicycle. One main issue is visibility. Trucks are often tall and long, which can create blind spots. If a bicycle is in the truck’s blind spot, then the truck could merge into the same lane as the bicycle and essentially run it over. Truck drivers also have a hard time seeing bicycles directly to the right or left of the truck.
Other issues affecting truck drivers include inexperience, alcohol and drug use, and distracted driving. When a truck driver is under the influence of substances or distracted in any way, they are not paying attention to the road and can cause serious accidents.
Contact a Personal Injury Lawyer Today
Bicycles have little protection. Because of this, accidents can be deadly, especially when a person is hit by a much larger vehicle, such as a garbage truck.
If you or a loved one was involved in a Florida bicycle accident, you need a legal advocate on your side who can help you fight for the compensation. A Bradenton bicycle accident lawyer from Cahall Law Firm can help. To schedule a free consultation, fill out the online form or call (941) 281-2019.